An agreement for IDA Credit of USD 35 Million from World bank for “Madhya Pradesh Citizen Access to Responsive Services Project” was signed by Shri Raj Kumar, Joint Secretary (MI), Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance on behalf of the Government of India and Mr. Onno Ruhl, Country Director, World Bank (India) on behalf of the World Bank.
The project size is USD 50 million, of which USD 35 million will be financed by the Bank, and the remaining amount will be funded out of State Budget. The project duration is 5 years.
The objective of the project is to improve access and quality of public services in Madhya Pradesh through implementation of the 2010 Public Service Delivery Guarantee Act.
The project is expected to deliver key results in terms of improving access to services and citizen outreach, simplification of Government services, performance management and strengthening the capacity of implementing agencies.
The project has been designed as a result based financing programme, under which funds will be released on achievement of agreed results.
The Implementing Entity Agreement was signed by Mr. M. Selvendran, ED (State Agency for Public Services), Department of Public Services management, MP on behalf of the Government of Madhya Pradesh, and Mr. Onno Ruhl, Country Director (India) on behalf of the World Bank.