Union Minister of Human Resources Development, Shri Prakash Javadekar has addressed a three day national conference on innovation (Navonmesh) in school education at NCERT headquarters New Delhi.
The conference has participants from different states and UNESCO in addition to NGOs and Educationists.
Five camps will be organized for innovations in education under the Navonmesh this year at Raipur, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Guwahati and Pune where the aspects of teacher education, imparting of quality education, collaboration of community and proper use of digital means for education will be discussed at length by various state government officers, NGOs and exponent of education doing innovation in education.
On this occasion five books were also released. They are; Learning Outcomes at the Elementary Stage, North-East India: People, History and Culture, Barakha: Reading Series for all, Towards Green School (In Hindi also as titled Haritshalaki ore) and Dictionary of Geography for Schools (Trilingual).