Youth Affairs and Sports

  • In India, the population below the age of 35 years is about 70% of the total population. (Demographic Dividend).
  • The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has been designated as the nodal Ministry for development and empowerment of youth and adolescents in the country.
  • With a View to ensure sport development as an integral aspect of youth development, the National Sports Policy, 2001 laid down special emphasis on “Broadbasing of Sports” at the national and international levels.
  • The 20 Point Programme also speaks of “Yuva Vikas” or Youth Development by providing universal access to sports in rural and urban areas.
  • The nationwide rural sports infrastructure scheme christened the Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) aims at achieving the above mentioned objectives. It aims at providing basic sports infrastructure and equipment at the panchayat level and encouraging sports and games in rural areas through annual competitions at the block and district levels.


  • The National Youth Policy, 2014 (NYP-2014) seeks to define the key areas in which action is required, to enable youth development and to provide a framework for action for all stakeholders.
  • It is intended to serve as a guiding document, and should be reviewed in 5 years.
  • NYP-2014 provides a holistic Vision for the youth of India. In order to achieve this vision, all stakeholders must work towards meeting 5 key objectives.
  • This requires specific action in one or more of 11 priority areas, identified as important for youth development.
1.    Education

2.    Entrepreneurship

3.    Employment and Skill Development


Create a productive work force


4.    Health and Healthy Lifestyle

5.    Sports

Develop a strong and healthy generation


6.    Promotion of Social Values

7.    Community Engagement

Instill social values & promote community service
8.    Participation in Politics & Governance

9.    Youth Engagement

Facilitate participation and civic engagement
10.  Inclusion

11.  Social Justice

Support youth at risk & create equitable opportunity for all


  • In order to work towards closing the gaps identified in the 11 priority areas of action, it is imperative to have a concerted effort from all stakeholders.
  • The government must increase its investment in youth in order to capitalise on the opportunity they present.
  • In addition, it is important to monitor and evaluate the success of NYP-2014. A set of leading and lagging indicators have been identified.
  • A baseline assessment must be undertaken across these indicators, annual targets must be set and progress against these targets monitored.
  • The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports should publish a Biennial Report on the status of the youth in order to inform the Nation about progress against indicators.
  • The report shall also serve the purpose of informing the youth of the country about various government initiatives for the development of the youth.

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