Maldives Declares Emergency

Maldives government has declared a state of emergency for a period of 30 days citing threat to national security.

The declaration by President Abdulla Yameen gives security forces sweeping powers to arrest suspects.

The declaration was made under Article 253 of Maldivian constitution that gives powers to the President to declare emergency and suspend certain laws and citizen rights.

current affairsThe measure has been taken in view of the recent arms seizure by the police in connection with the investigations into the September blast on the speedboat on which President Abdulla Yameen was traveling.

Under the emergency provisions, police can arrest protestors and political leaders without warrant.

Political experts are also viewing the declaration in context of the planned anti government public rally by opposition Maldivian Democratic Party on Saturday.

The government of the Maldives, an archipelago of picturesque islands off the southern tip of India, has been in turmoil in recent weeks.

In late October,Vice President Ahmed Adeeb had been arrested and charged with treason in connection with an alleged assassination attempt on President Abdulla Yameen.

In 2012, former President Mohamed Nasheed, the country’s first democratically elected leader, was ousted amid opposition protests.

A court sentenced Nasheed to 13 years in prison on terrorism charges in March 2015.

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