Summit on Energy Efficient Technologies in Railways

Ministry of Railways in partnership with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is organizing an International Summit on “Energy Efficient Technologies in Railways” on 06.11.2015 at New Delhi.

It is first of its kind initiative that the Ministry of Railways is partnering with the UNDP to explore the latest energy efficiency solutions and technology that it can reduce energy bills and facilitate sustainable development. The International Summit is a step in this direction.

current affairsThe Indian Railways (IR) is one of the largest consumers of energy in the country and has tremendous scope for growth and massive investment opportunities in the coming future. It is committed to achieve a cumulative target of electrifying 33,000 km of its existing tracks and adding another 25,000 km of new lines by 2020.

To meet this target in an energy efficient and sustainable manner, IR has developed a long-term (2010-2032) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme (EECP).

This summit will facilitate dissemination of information on important advances made in design and delivery of electric traction technologies and other solutions in Rail sector.

The Summit will provide a platform for policy makers, manufacturers, researchers and other stakeholders to discuss potential energy efficiency solutions and technologies for reducing IR’s carbon footprint. It shall aid in setting benchmarks for IRs best practices from railway systems around the world.