Chapter on Housing

  • The Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation (MOHUPA) is the apex authority of Government of India at the national level for formulation of housing policy and programme, implementation of the plan scheme, collection and dissemination of data on housing.
  • In addition, it is entrusted with implementation of specific programmes of urban poverty alleviation, and slum improvement.
  • The matters pertaining to the housing and urban development have been assigned by the Constitution of India to the state governments.
  • The Constitutional 74th Amendment Act has further delegated many of these functions to the urban local bodies.
  • Although these are essentially State subjects, yet the Government of India plays a coordinating and monitoring role and also supports these programmes through centrally sponsored schemes.


  • As per the NUHHP, 2007, role of the Central Government is to encourage and support the States to prepare a State Urban Housing and Habitat Policy and also a State Urban Housing & Habitat Action Plan.
  • The High Level Monitoring Committee set up under the chairpersonship of the then Minister of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation for periodic review and implementation of the NUHHP 2007.
  • Till date, the following States have prepared their own State Housing Policy: (1) Rajasthan (ii) Maharashtra (iii) Madhya Pradesh (iv) Kerala (V) Odisha (vi) Uttar Pradesh (vii) Punjab (viii) Karnataka.
  • The following States are in the process of formulating their respective State Housing Policies: (i) Haryana (ii) Himachal Pradesh (iii) Goa (iv) Jharkhand.


  • MOHUPA had comprehensively revised the National Policy on Urban Street Vendors in the year 2009, taking into account the views of the States/UTs and other stakeholders.
  • The revised National Policy on Urban Street Vendors, 2009 aims at fostering a congenial environment for the urban street vendors to carry out their activities without harassment from any quarter and provides mechanism of regulation of such activities to avoid congestion on sidewalks and to ensure free flow of traffic on roads.

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