Delhi government has decided to set up a commission of inquiry under chairmanship of former Solicitor General Gopal Subramanium to probe alleged irregularities including financial bungling in the capital’s cricket body DDCA.
The decision to appoint the committee came a month after an AAP government-appointed probe committee recommended immediate suspension of DDCA by the BCCI for alleged irregularities including financial bungling.
The Delhi Government panel had suggested that an interim committee of professional cricketers should manage affairs of the game in the capital.
The committee had also recommended to the government to appoint a Commission of Inquiry under the Commission of Enquiries Act while mentioning about findings on DDCA’s alleged wrongdoings by various probe panels in the recent past including the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO).
BJP lawmaker Kirti Azad, who has been campaigning against alleged corruption in Delhi’s cricket body, demanded an ED and DRI probe into the affairs of DDCA.
AAP government in Delhi has been blaming Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley over alleged irregularities in DDCA during his 13-year-old tenure its chief. However, Mr Jaitley has strongly rubbished the allegations.