
Gene Responsible for Schizophrenia Identified

Scientists have discovered that changes to a gene called SETD1A can dramatically raise the risk of developing schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a severe and common psychiatric...

Electronic Plants Created

Researchers at Linkoping University in Sweden have created analog and digital electronics circuits inside living plants. The group at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE),...

Scientists Recreated ‘Primordial Soup’

Scientists have recreated the universe’s ‘primordial soup’ in miniature format by colliding lead atoms with extremely high energy in the world’s most powerful particle...

Great Attractor Region Explained

Hundreds of hidden nearby galaxies have been studied for the first time, shedding light on a mysterious gravitational anomaly dubbed the Great Attractor. Despite being...

New Glowing Creatures Discovered

Scientists have discovered a new species of luminous creatures in the Red Sea, living in colonies as garlands of ‘fluorescent lanterns’ and emitting a...

North Korea Launched New Satellite

North Korea’s launched newest satellite using its rocket launches to develop nuclear-tipped long-range missiles. It now has two satellites circling the Earth, according to NORAD,...

Jason 3 Satellite Collecting Sea Level Data

Scientists from the U.S. and Europe have a new eye in the sky monitoring the world's oceans. The Jason-3 satellite, launched on January 17,...

New Elements Added to Periodic Table

Four new super-heavy chemical elements -- atomic numbers 113, 115, 117, and 118 -- recently added to the periodic table. The International Union for Pure...

Navigation Satellite IRNSS-1E Launched

ISRO's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV-C31, successfully launched the 1425 kg IRNSS-1E, the fifth satellite in the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) on...

SpaceX launches Climate Satellite

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasted off from California and put a Jason-3 climate-monitoring satellite into orbit. The first stage of the rocket made it...

‘Hall of Nuclear Power’ Inaugurated

The Union Minister of Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh inaugurated the “Hall of Nuclear Power”. This is Northern India’s first permanent exhibition...

‘Green Pea’ Galaxies in News

According to a new study “Green pea” galaxies, which are small, round and green, may shed light on the formation of the early universe. Rresearch...

Aerosol Monitoring System Launched

Union Minister of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences Dr. Harsh Vardhan inaugurated the new user-friendly website of IMD and dedicated to the nation...

Efforts to Awake Comet Probe Philae

Scientists will send a few final prods to robot lab Philae to awake it. A last-chance manoeuvre was attempted on 10 Jan to shift...

Medical Technology in India

The Union Minister for Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr. Harsh Vardhan has called for various Medical Technology (Med-Tech) Innovations developed by the...

103rd Indian Science Congress 2016

The annual Indian Science Congress held between Jan 3rd to Jan 7th, with its theme “Science and technology for indigenous development in India” was...

HIV Drug Cleared First Hurdle

In an experimental treatment HIV Drug Cleared has cleared the first hurdle. VRC01 is a so-called monoclonal antibody, a relatively recent development in the...

Cargo Ship Docks with International Space Station

An unmanned Russian cargo ship has docked with the International Space Station. The Russian space agency said the docking occurred without problem on the...

Scientists Produced 3D Images of Lungs

Current Affairs: Scientists have successfully produced 3D images showing oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in the lungs. Every time we breathe, oxygen and carbon dioxide...

Elephant Genome Sequenced in India

A team of scientists from the Bangalore based Centre for Ecological Science at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and the Indian Institute of...

Genes Linked To Longevity Identified

Current Affairs: To find the longevity genes, Kristen Fortney from Stanford University, and colleagues first derived a new statistical method (termed 'informed GWAS') that...

Satellites Launched for Galileo System

Europe launched another two satellites for its multi-billion-euro Galileo satnav system, a rival to America's GPS. The launch of satellites 11 and 12 in the...

Scientists Created Two-Dimensional Boron

Scientists has created a two-dimensional sheet of boron -- a material known as borophene. No bulk form of elemental boron has this metal-like behavior. Borophene,...

China Launches Latest Satellite

Current Affairs: China successfully launched the country's first space telescope in search for signals of dark matter. The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) Satellite was...

Hubble Telescope Spots Supernova Explosion

The Hubble Space Telescope has captured the image of the first-ever predicted supernova explosion. This unique event offers opportunity for astronomers to test how mass...

PSLV Places 6 Satellites in Orbit

In its 32nd flight conducted from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), SHAR, Sriharikota on December 16, 2015, ISRO's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSLV-C29 successfully...

Nasa Releases Latest Pics of Pluto

Current Affairs: Nasa has released enhanced colour mosaics of Pluto that combines some of the sharpest views of the mysterious landscape. The pictures are part...

Researches Find Protein To Fight Flu

Current Affairs: An international team of researchers have identified protein molecules that could be blocked to prevent flu viruses from multiplying effectively. They analysed datasets...

NASA Detect Jupiter Like Storm on Tiny Star

Astronomers using data from NASA's Spitzer and Kepler space telescopes have discovered a tiny star with a giant cloudy storm. The dark storm is...

Three Astronauts Reach Earth From ISS

Current Affairs: Three astronauts from the United States, Russia and Japan successfully completed their landing on Earth from the International Space Station. They touched down...

Satellites To Monitor Greenhouse Gases

New space-based tools are gearing up to curb greenhouse gases, and to understand what happens to carbon dioxide after it is emitted. Satellite imagery is...

First Puppies Born by In Vitro Fertilization

Current Affairs: For the first time, puppies was born by in vitro fertilization. The breakthrough opens the door for conserving endangered canid species, using...

New Method To Develop Diesel Identified

Current Affairs: Researchers from KU Leuven and Utrecht University have discovered a new approach to the production of fuels. Their new method can be...

Nasa Plans to Exit International Space Station

The U.S. space agency NASA will move up to the cislunar space — the area of space surrounding the moon — for an ambitious...

Astronauts Coming Back To Earth

NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko and Japan's Kimiya Yui are coming back from the International Space Station to planet earth. Their Soyuz...

Falcon 9 Rocket Launch on Dec 19

Current Affairs: SpaceX announced plans to launch its Falcon 9 on December 19. It is SpaceX's first mission since a massive explosion after liftoff...

Mexico Approves First Dengue Vaccine

First Dengue Vaccine: Mexican has approved the first dengue vaccine to gain official acceptance for use against the dengue virus. Mosquitoes transmit the dengue virus....

ISRO To Launch 6 Singaporean Satellites

Science and Technology Current Affairs: India will launch six Singaporean satellites weighing about 625 kg on December 16 through its Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle...

New Species of Dinosaur Discovered

Latest in Science and Technology: Scientists have discovered a new species of 'horned' plant-eating dinosaur in China. The dinosaur species, Hualianceratops wucaiwanensis, stood on...

First Fire-Fighting Robot Unveiled

A fire-fighting robot to be used to fight fires in Australia's New South Wales (NSW) state has been unveiled. NSW Emergency Services Minister David Elliot...

India Faces Problem of E-Waste

Electronic waste or e-waste describes discarded electrical or electronic devices. Used electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling or disposal are also...

Gene That Makes Bacteria Resistant Found

A gene that makes bacteria resistant to antibiotics has been found in Denmark. Scientists had warned earlier that a gene is found in southern China...

E-cigarettes Contain Dangerous Chemicals

Electronic cigarettes are battery-powered devices that heat a nicotine-containing liquid, which is inhaled much like a cigarette. Unlike traditional cigarettes, the devices are not regulated...

Odisha Gets Doppler Radar

Odisha got its first Doppler radar that will enable early and accurate forecast of cyclonic storms, excessive rainfall, thunderstorms and hailstorms. PK Mishra, additional principal...

Scientists Create Electronic Plants

Researchers in Sweden have created (Electronic Plants) analog and digital electronics circuits inside living plants. They have used the vascular system of living roses...

Alarming Gene MCR-1 Found in China

A new gene that makes bacteria highly resistant to a last-resort class of antibiotics has been found in people and pigs in China. The discovery...

Humanoid Robots Tested for Space Missions

The U.S. space agency has given two universities humanoid robots for testing to see how they might be deployed in future space missions. NASA is...

Work Began on Giant Chile Telescope

The work on construction for one of the world's most advanced telescopes Andean mountaintop has been inaugurated by Chilean President Michelle Bachelet . The Giant...

World’s Smallest Pacemaker Implanted

According to latest reports, hospitals in Saudi Arabia have become the first to successfully implant the world's smallest pacemaker in five patients. Raed Sweidan and...

GSAT 15 Satellite Launched

GSAT 15, India’s latest communications satellite, was launched successfully by the European Ariane 5 VA-227 launch Vehicle on November 11, 2015. The 3164 kg GSAT-15...

Solar Winds Stripping Martian Atmosphere

According to NASA, Solar winds are slowing stripping Mars of its atmosphere. Researchers say they used data from the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN)...

Secret Language of Pandas Decoded

Researchers in China have decoded 13 different kinds of vocalisations of language of pandas. The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in...

Giant Cluster of Galaxies Discovered

Astronomers have discovered a giant cluster of galaxies in a very remote part of the universe. The galaxy cluster, located 8.5 billion light-years away, was...

Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission and WHO Collaboration

The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) is set to become the first WHO Collaborating Centre for Safety of Medicines and Vaccines in the South-East Asia...

Scientific Study on Ayurveda Prakriti

A genome-wide study indicated certain correlation between Ayurvedic prakriti classifications with genomic diversity. A study on the subject has been done by the Centre...

‘Project Loon’ By Google

Project Loon is a research and development project being developed by Google X with the mission of providing Internet access to rural and remote...

C-Dot Gets Excellence Award

The premier telecom technology R&D Centre of Government of India under Department of Telecom, Ministry of Communication and IT, Centre for Development of Telematics...

GSAT-15 Launch in November

ISRO's latest communication satellite GSAT-15 is all set to be launched on November 10 from French Guiana on board Ariane 5. French Guiana is an...

Grenade For Killing Cancer Discovered

Researchers have developed cancer drug-packed 'grenades' armed with heat sensitive triggers, allowing for treatment to be targeted directly at tumours. The “grenades” are actually liposomes...

IRNSS Fully Functional in 2016

According to ISRO Chairman A S Kiran, all seven satellites of the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), will be in orbit by March...

Oxygen Discovered in Comet’s Atmosphere

In a biggest surprise, oxygen was discovered on Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko's atmosphere. While such molecules are common in the earth's atmosphere, their presence on comets...

Moon Rover ‘Yutu’ Sets Record

China's lunar rover, Yutu, has set a record for the longest stay by a rover. It has been operating on the moon for almost...

Tsunami Warning System Tested

Mumbai successfully tested its first Tsunami early warning system siren during which a 10-minute alert was sounded in South Mumbai. The newly installed Tsunami Early...

Project ‘DESCRAMBLE’ in News

Global green energy producer Enel Green Power is heading the project called DESCRAMBLE (Drilling in dEep, Super-CRitical AMBients of continentaL Europe), where the aim...

NASA Completes Review of Space Launch System

For the first time in almost 40 years, a NASA human-rated rocket has completed all steps needed to clear a critical design review (CLR)....

NASA Captures Coronal Hole

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, captured this solar image, which clearly shows two dark patches, known as coronal holes. The larger coronal hole...

Discovery of Hot Jupiter Like Planets

For the past 20 years, astronomers peered into the night sky, puzzled about a type of planet called hot Jupiters. As they analyzed data...

Black Phosphorus Next Wonder Material

In the last few years, two-dimensional crystals have emerged as some of the most exciting new materials to play with. Consequently, materials scientists have...

Science Express Climate Action Special

The “Science Express”, redesigned as Science Express Climate Action Special (SECAS), the innovative mobile science exhibition mounted on a 16 coach AC train, was...

Rare Earth Permanent Magnets in India

Rare Earth (RE) magnets, such as samarium-cobalt, find use in Atomic Energy, Space and Defence industries for a variety of strategic and non-strategic applications....

New Species of Rat Discovered

Researchers at Louisiana State University have discovered a new genus and species on a remote, mountainous island in Indonesia. This new discovery is the...

Global Map of Antineutrino Emissions Created

The neutrino and its antimatter cousin, the antineutrino, are the tiniest subatomic particles known to science. These particles are byproducts of nuclear reactions within...

Curiosity Rover Finds Water on Mars

New findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars. Using an imaging spectrometer...

New Human Genome Editing System Discovered

Scientists has now identified a different CRISPR system with the potential for even simpler and more precise genome engineering. CRISPR sequences were first described in...

PSLV Launches Space Observatory ASTROSAT

In its 31st flight (PSLV-C30), India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle successfully launched ASTROSAT, the country's Multi Wavelength Space Observatory along with six foreign customer...

Electro-Magnetic Interference Test Facility Inaugurated

Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) and Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha inaugurated the Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) –...

Astronomers Discover Largest Feature in Universe

Astronomers have found what may be the largest feature in the known universe: a ring of nine gamma ray bursts - and hence galaxies...

Astronauts Eats Food Grown In Space

Astronauts have eaten food grown in space for the first time ever. A Nasa test saw the crew of the International Space Station eat...

Vaccine Developed To Fight Ebola

The Ebola virus is likely to be eradicated once for all as a new vaccine developed against the disease by Public Health Agency of...

India Launches Communication Satellite GSAT 6

In its ninth flight (GSLV-D6) conducted on August 27, 2015, India's Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, equipped with the indigenous Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS), successfully...